Monday, August 4, 2014


As I started to draft this year's birthday post, I went back to my archives to see how I celebrated in the past. I didn't write about my birthday until 2012, when I turned 24, and even then, I didn't make my Year 24 Bucket List until August 15. It's like I had only the most arbitrary understanding of when my birthday is and that it's something to celebrate. Last year, I was flying back from Colorado on my birthday, so I was in blog mode and only one day late to publish my resolutions for 25.

If anything, I've at least gotten more organized and foresighted--this year I'm actually posting on my day of birth.

First, a look at how I did with last year's resolutions/goals:

traveling, reading, writing, exploring: yes, yes, yes, yes

Get bangs. It's time. : Check. I got bangs in January (and immediately decided to grow them out...).
Trick out my bike. Like with a chain that isn't nearly rusted through, maybe a milk crate and some bungee cords. : Still working on this one. My chain has gone from "nearly rusted through" to "rusty and stretched out," ...but it still got me from Point A to Point B, until this morning, when I found it like this:

So yeah. I'm pretty sure I'll have this completed by the time I turn 27.
Find health insurance. I'm almost 26, time to figure these things out. : I really don't want to talk about plan was to find new employment at some point. It's a work in progress. Until then, Obamacare, here I come.
Be charitable. I want to support things that I support. : My "charity" this year came in the form of sponsoring a friend when she ran a 5K, buying from small/local businesses, and donating to literacy programs.
Go camping or road tripping or just go big and jump trains. : Does taking three trips home in the same number of months count? I also biked a marathon and I have a mommy/daughter tripped planned for later this month.
Think about going back to school ( steps). : Still thinking...
Learn/improve my Spanish. I'm already enrolled in a beginner's class, here's hoping I retain something. : The beginner's class definitely helped me regain some of my Spanish confidence and got me back into the routine of practicing a language. I have the Duolingo app on my phone and I use it (almost) daily, so I'm less and less rusty every day.
Surround myself with love. : An ongoing process, but I think I've done well here.

*Note, I also happened to work on several items from my 24 list. I fixed my watch battery AND I tried out a new shade of lipstick. Maybe I should give myself two years for these things.

And finally, my 26 list:

Cultivate my life uniform. Or beauty uniform. Or closet/wardrobe/makeup palette. I want to continue buying clothes/accessories that are "Rachel" and stay away from impulse buys, too many statement/faddish pieces that go out of style super quick, and things that are ill-fitting or just not my style.
Be socially just, especially regarding food. Yes, I do little things here and there, but I can always do better.
Find new employment. Acquire health insurance. Learn about 401Ks. Basically, become the grown up that I think about when I think about growing up.
Keep dreaming. Keep balanced. Keep true to myself. Growing up isn't about growing boring.

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