My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Sum it up in a sentence (or two): If you've read David Sedaris, you know the drill: short stories on topics ranging from body issues to relationships to childhood trauma.
First thoughts: My first first thought (every time I went to read) was "Did someone spray cologne on this book?" It seriously smelled like walking into a Hollister. My other first thought was that the stories were hit and miss. I know I'm comparing LEDWO to Sedaris's other books, but this one was a little disappointing.
Favorite quotes:
"Their house had read hard cover books in it, and you often saw them lying open on the sofa, the words still warm from being read." -p60, "Loggerheads"
"It's not lost on me that I'm so busy recording life, I don't have time to really live it....Even if what I'm recording is of no consequence, I've got to put it down on paper." -p233, "Day In, Day Out"
Final thoughts: Though there were a few stand out stories and lines that made me chuckle, overall I felt meh.
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