Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Night Links 25

Since I've been on the theme of literacy this week, a few articles/websites/interviews on books and reading:

When I was in high school, I was the only Rachel. In college, there were 5 Rachels just in the English major. Now I'm back to being one of only a few Rachels in my circles. Did our parents perhaps find inspiration from any of these Rachels?

I find time to read on my commute, and in the hours after getting home from work until Jesus joins me, and even then, some nights we just read together until I have to go to bed. What about you?

Reading is a habit that needs to be worked on. If you're not sure when you read, or how to find the time, learn from a few leaders in the field.

An interview with Elizabeth Gilbert on the books of her life. I'm always a sucker for hearing what my favorite authors are reading, but I have to be honest and say I don't think Gilbert and I have the same tastes.

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