Monday, April 29, 2013

The Cruelest Month

How does one "be happy" during the cruelest month? Here are 30 suggestions: (In retrospect  I should have given these to you guys on April 1 to help you along. Sorry!)

  1. Surprise someone. I surprised Brooke with dinner. Since I got home early, I made chorizo tacos and rice and beans with all the fixings.
  2. Learn a new dance. "Puddle Dodger"'s a dance on a bike.
  3. Get dirty. Re-potted plants, rode bike in rain, deep cleaned house: check.
  4. Acknowledge people who serve you. I am a generous tipper when I go out to eat. When you've been a waitress you know.
  5. Make your baseball predictions. I predict many double-headers late in the season once the rain subsides.
  6. Enroll in a class that interests you. I should have taken a poetry class this month. I needed a peer group to workshop things.
  7. Prepare a meal you've never cooked before. Jesus and I made chicken shawarma and falafel for our Middle Eastern food night.
  8. Stretch and breathe. Ok.
  9. Walk in the rain. Impossible not to.
  10. Make a flower arrangement. As soon as we get some flowers around here!
  11. Make 3 wishes. Summer. Personal Yacht. Free food.
  12. Attend a baseball game. Maybe once it's warmer out.
  13. Start a book club. It's called the Will Someone Read What I'm Reading Club.
  14. Meditate. Ok.
  15. Account for everything you value. Like write a list? Didn't we just do that last month?
  16. Vary your exercise. Pass.
  17. Visit a museum. Waiting for summer free days.
  18. Do something excessive without guilt. Excess usually means food for me.
  19. Rent a foreign movie. I failed to do this. I rented some great American movies. I watched trailers for foreign movies--several documentaries and some Oscar winners.
  20. Clean your house from top to bottom. Spring cleaning! Brit and I did that a few weeks ago.
  21. Look a homeless person in the eye. I do.
  22. Do something you've been meaning to do. Bleach my hair, buy a desk, finish an art project...I was productive in April.
  23. Let everyone go ahead of you. I frequently let people cut in while driving...I believe in road karma, so if I let someone go ahead of me, I hope that when I need to make a left turn on Ashland during rush hour, someone else lets me go.
  24. Imagine something wonderful. An 80 degree day.
  25. Go hunting for bargains. Why go hunting when the bargains come to me? Thanks, Groupon!
  26. Do something for someone as if you were doing it for yourself. For me this means cooking.
  27. Tell someone you love him or her. Every day.
  28. Do a complete makeover. I bleached my hair!
  29. Avoid profanity/be polite. I do.
  30. Barter with someone. I barter with my roommates to decide who is doing what chores. I will do almost anything to not do dishes.

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