Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Night Survey: Summer Night Edition

Do you ever wonder how long it takes for a person to start taking summer weather for granted? Any "nice" day in May is welcomed as a treat, and even now in June I'm finding myself waking up pleasantly surprised at the sunshine (until I become unpleasantly warm and can no longer sleep under the direct light). Here's hoping I can keep up the gratitude for such a simple thing.

Waking up: to sunshine. early to do laundry before my neighbors hog the machine. happy.
Looking: forward to chaperoning field trips (aka, getting out of the classroom) all next week.
Celebrating: a year of change and transition, surviving my first year of "teaching," and new friendships.
Convincing: myself I don't need a pretzel every time I go to the mall.
Walking: as much as I can.
Shopping: for travel essentials.
Counting: down the days until Puerto Rico. (19!)
Watering: all 11 of my plant babies.
Planning: for the 12th.
Smelling: burgers grilling.
Drinking: water water water.
Reading: Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card.
Brewing: homemade iced tea.
Watching: my very first anime, and Miss USA.
Listening: to everything happening in our courtyard/alley #thanksopenwindows

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