Monday, September 12, 2016

Choose Your Own Movie Adventure

Three movies = three adventures to choose from, but depending on your mood and the experience you want, only one is the movie you really want to see (at least for today). Let's look at these new(ish) releases and decide which one is right for right now.

If you're totally over election year & just want to go back to a happier, more innocent time, try:
Southside With You
Is this really what Barack and Michelle's first date looked like? Not exactly, but we'll forgive Richard Tanne for the rose-colored glasses with which he views this budding relationship. Nods are made to familiar Obama tropes (the ears, the smoking) and, because we know how things end up, when Michelle's character asks about a future in politics and lauds Barack's character's speech-giving abilities, we all swoon for our 44th President. Watch to feel inspired and grateful.

If you love stop-motion almost as much as you love the traditional hero's journey, try:
Kubo and the Two Strings
Storytelling and magical realism combine forces in this powerful tale of a boy and his guitar. Kubo embarks on a journey to protect himself from his grandfather, the Moon King, and along the way discovers who he is, with the help of Monkey and Beetle. We in the audience learn that endings are really beginnings, and when we decide to tell our own stories, we choose our own destinies. Watch if you need a reminder of the power of storytelling.

If you've ever wondered how a blind man might defend his home from intruders, try:
Don't Breathe
This is a home invasion thriller with a twist - we're cheering for the invaders. Or are we? As a viewer, I wasn't sure who to root for a lot of the time: the three burglars who are looking for a way out of Detroit? Or the blind vet trying to grieve his daughter in peace? The simple yet chilling moments of suspense had me pulled to the edge of my seat, then pushed all the way back as I tried to stay safe from the horrors on screen. Don't watch alone!

A sweet date movie, a family-friendly adventure with universal appeal, or something to keep you awake all night...which adventure will you choose?

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