Making: my bed in the morning, if only because Chrissy Teigen does it.
Drinking: coconut water and tea.
Walking: on the sunny side of the street!
Reading: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.
Waking: up early to get in some porch time before officially starting my day.
Trying: to incorporate dates into my diet (as a sub for sugar).
Eating: salad with homemade dressing.
Taking: lots of photos for National Photography Month.
Riding: the Blue Line to The Fit Expo.
Feeling: not as fit as everyone else there, but not too shabby either.
Testing: our forearm strength (see pics).
Getting: treated to my first grill out of the year.
Visiting: with family and friends and friends of families.
Watching: Saturday Night Live's version of "The Fight."
Cheering: on the Blackhawks.
Listening: to a slow and steady rain putting me to sleep.

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