The collections are similar in their insightful details and accurate portrayals of humanity. They don't take themselves too seriously, but still manage not to be obnoxious.

If you have 25 minutes, watch this TED talk by Eggers. 826 Valencia sounds like an amazing work environment. Could you imagine? All day to write and then helping students after school? I would love to be an intern there. The original location is in San Francisco, which is awesome, but there is also one in Chicago, 826CHI. So you can bet I'll be checking that out.
Actually, I shouldn't say it that way, assuming I'm going to be in Chicago. It's just hard not to think about my future as figured out when I'm feeling so good about these volunteer programs. I haven't blogged about them much lately, for just that reason: I don't want to get my hopes up, I don't want to say it's going to happen and then have my plans change or not work out. These programs seem too good to be true--at least, for me. I've always known pantyhose and pants suits weren't my thing, but neither is manual labor.

826 is super cool-- I'm definitely volunteering there if/when I end up living in one of the cities that has one. I'm sending good juju thoughts out for your interviews and such and I hope your last semester is going well.