Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Night Survey: On the Clock Edition II

When the boss is away...the house manager works overtime. Last week was "spring break" and this week is "work all the hours" - I'm getting a head start tonight. I don't mind working overnights as a house manager/nanny, especially since I get full fridge privileges and plenty of Me Time while the kids are at school. Plus, who doesn't love getting paid to sleep? Earlier today, Jesus and I went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory, and yesterday was spent doing laundry and cleaning my room. Here's what else is going on:

Cooking: bison and kale flatbread.
Eating: snacks snacks snacks.
Drinking: tea and water, water and tea.
Walking: through the zoo and the Lincoln Park Conservatory since today was so gorgeous!
Watching: a giraffe eat...and drool.
Reading: Trying Not To Try by Edward Slingerland. 
Realizing: being spontaneous is difficult.
Writing: a few poems, in my head.
Playing: "guess how the rest of that conversation goes" at the zoo.
Sleeping: in a guest bedroom.
Enjoying: fancy soaps!
Listening to: the water heater, the fridge, the house's creaks and moans.
Smelling: animals. And fresh air. And flowers.

Wanting: more sunshine.
Needing: more legs almost glow in the dark.

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