Geek Love
- Katherine Dunn
Wow. A marathon of a book, but worth it. Half of the English major in me wanted to write a paper on it while the other half was eternally grateful I didn't have to write a paper on it. And after taking a film class, I also thought a film adaptation of this book would be interesting. It would certainly have to be colorful, but also dark. The "shady carnival" theme has been done before, though not quite like this.
Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul - John and Stasi Eldridge
This book took me only four days to read, and while it gets cheesy in some parts, there is certainly no harm in reading it--it's always nice to be reaffirmed. A lot of my friends have read it, so it's been on my list for awhile, but I think the timing was just right for me to hear this book's message this summer.

Yes, I've already read this book. I'm in the process of skimming over it again in an effort to remember the state of my life before I studied abroad (I read this book about a week before I applied to study abroad in was one of the biggest factors in my decision.), to see just how much I've changed since then, and to reminisce about my favorite places in Rome and Naples, visited by both myself and Gilbert. I also wanted to get one last read in before Julia Roberts replaces my internal visual of Elizabeth Gilbert's journey in the
film version coming out this summer.
When You Are Engulfed in Flames - David Sedaris

This man can literally do no wrong. And when I say "literally," I mean "literaturely," which isn't really a word. The thing is, this guy's funny and I could spend the rest of the afternoon trying to come up with a savvy metaphor to describe just how funny, but that would be a waste of the sun I'm hoping to soak up in a few minutes as I continue reading on my deck.
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