Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Yesterday we had an afternoon lunch/commute break in between reorganizing a resource room and making parent contacts. A change in location meant a midday bike ride, something I haven't done since late June. It was disorienting and comfortable all at the same time, like seeing your friends while you're at work.

I took my time during the ride, not only because I had plenty to spare, but also to soak in a small freedom that I won't have for much longer. I haven't been biking much these days since our regional HQ (where most of training has been happening) is easily accessible by train; I forgot how important that alone time/exercise/meditation is to my sanity.

Not that I've felt insane lately, just not quite myself. I'm in a new apartment with a new roommate and working a new job - for a while I had no familiar comforts (or discomforts). I'm still creating my routine, which is difficult since so far every day at work (and home) has looked different. I need biking as a sort of touchstone in my day, something that says, Yes, you're still Rachel and this is still important to you.

My other touchstones? Food (making and eating, which I learned after finally getting enough groceries to cook a complete meal) and writing (which should come as no surprise, but somehow always does). Get ready to see more of all these things around these parts until I adjust myself to #teachingfellowlife.

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