Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents and Books

Happy Presidents' Day! Here's hoping you observed it in the traditional way: shopping, preferably for a car. I spent it confused about the weather/season.

I also went to Myopic Books, a super eclectic bookstore in Wicker Park. I think I could spend the entire day there and not see all the books I'd be interested in. There are three floors and every available surface holds books. The shelves are so close together, only one person can fit in the aisle at a time. The books range in topic from mystery and sci-fi to cooking to religion to dinosaurs, and while they aren't priced like the thrift store, they are certainly cheaper than anything brand new.

And what's a better way to end a surprise day off than making blueberry muffins? I don't have any eggs, so I'm trying out a vegan recipe. It's my plan that the muffins somehow inspire the next room arrangement I have...I'll keep you posted.

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